Tuesday, February 2, 2010

iPad: Next Hot Gadget or Not?

This week Apple unveiled its newest product, the IPad. Anticipation for the revealing of this new product had been building for months and now that everyone has seen it, was it worth the wait? Many people don't think so, including me. Apple has been known for its revolutionary products since it first released the original Ipod a decade ago. Every single time they released a new product, I was wowed by the new features that it had: video, touch screen, etc.

The IPad, however, doesn't seem to incorporate any new technologies, which has many people simply referring to it as "a big Iphone". It has the exact same features as an Iphone except that it has a much larger screen, so it seems to be geared towards the booming netbook market. Will consumers, with their budgets already strapped down by the recession, dish out $500 just for the base model of the IPad? I think not. Whereas the Ipod and iphone created entirely new markets with their revolutionary technologies, the IPad is entering into a market already saturated with similar products. Sure these products may not have a touch screen and be extremely sleek like the IPad, but without any groundbreaking technologies being offered in the IPad, consumers have no reason to purchase it if they already own a netbook.

Of course, with any apple product, this thing could end up selling like crazy. It may not be revolutionary, but people just seem to love the products that Apple makes. One thing that Apple does extremely well is market their products. We all remember at least one Apple commercial in recent times and this is because they do such a great job connecting to the consumers. Even if it's not worth the money, once some people start buying it, everyone else will follow. If the IPad does actually sell well, it will probably be because it's the "cool" thing to buy, not the "practical" thing.


  1. Although I agree the iPad does seem to be a fairly useless creation and I am skeptical to believe it will become a big seller, I think that it will probably still be a successful invention created by Apple. Even though it is true that the iPad was only created to compete with the existing netbook market, the iPad is in fact a far superior option to competing products. The problem I have with the iPad is that I just do not understand why anyone would want to buy one, especially for the price. Why would you want to pay $500 for an iPad when you could buy an iPod for less than $300 dollars or you could buy a macbook for about $1000. The iPad costs the consumer $500 and it does not do anything more than the iPod touch and does far less than a macbook. I just do not understand what anyone could possibly use it for. The only sales this product is going to have are from Apple enthusiasts (who have to have every Apple product created) and from people who already have netbooks who are looking to upgrade to a far superior product.

  2. If this product sells, it definitely will be because of that little fruit logo stamped on the back of it. It's one of those "don't need it, don't get it" type deals. For most people, like me, sometimes I don't need something but I still get it anyways. This doesn't even fit into that category. I believe Ryan is right when he said, "The only sales this product is going to have are from Apple enthusiasts (who have to have every Apple product created) and from people who already have netbooks who are looking to upgrade to a far superior product."

  3. The iPad is just a bigger and a tad better iTouch. This can not appeal to many as it also has an expensive price tag. Many users that are looking for a smaller compact computer would look towards Mini laptops which are very inexpensive and virtually encompass the same browsers as the iPad

  4. I wonder how many different versions of this they will come out with in the next couple years. Ever since the original Ipod they have just been adding one little thing or making a slight change and profiting.
