Wednesday, March 10, 2010

3D Television

Recently, there has been a lot of publicity around the newly developed "3D" televisions that are being released this year by many of the leading television manufacturers such as Sony and Samsung. 3D has been a very interesting and intriguing concept for a long time now and it always seems to be very popular to the public. However, when I think of 3D, all I can picture are those funny paper glasses with a red and blue lens that don't even really work. Many theme parks have some fairly sophisticated 3D rides that create a somewhat realistic 3D effect, but none of these things ever reach the home consumer market. Could this new 3D TV technology actually be practical and will it be successful financially?

I personally don't think so. First of all, 3D just seems really gimmicky. The new 3D televisions still require you to wear glasses and no one is going to want to wear bulky glasses everytime they watch tv. It's one thing to see a 3D movie once in a while that you have to wear glasses for but that would be a total pain for everyday use. As of right now, there aren't even any tv channels that broadcast in 3D and there probably won't be for a while. Even when they do, how good will the experience be? Will it even be worth it?

The worst thing of all about these new 3D tvs is the cost. Even for cheap sets, they will still run you at least $1500 for a decent size tv. For most people this is way too much considering they probably already bought a new LCD or LED tv within the last year or so. This seems like a scam by tv manufacturers to get as much money as possible out of consumers for an over-the-top, pointless feature. Unless these new tvs can manage to provide new, groundbreaking 3D technology, there is no way they are going to sell very well. 3D tvs are just one of those things that sounds sweet the first time you here about it, but once you find out more information, you realize it's a complete waste of money.

1 comment:

  1. These tv's can cause a deal of problems for those with people with eye depth problems as well. After a while with 3D I think it would just get old.
